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- Feb 27 Wed 2008 22:28
愛的智慧語錄002-放手需要勇氣和愛 To 'Let Go',Takes Courage and Love

- Feb 25 Mon 2008 13:47

- Feb 25 Mon 2008 01:11

- Feb 21 Thu 2008 18:45
If I had Eyes

《If I had Eyes》
by Jack Johnson
If I had eyes in the back of my head
I would have told you that
You looked good
As I walked away
And if you could've tried to trust the hand that fed
You would've never been hungry
But you never really be
The more of this or less of this or is there any difference
or are we just holding onto the things we don't have anymore
Sometimes time doesn't heal
No not at all
Just stand still
While we fall
In or out of love again I doubt I'm gonna win you back
When you got eyes like that
It won't let me in
Always looking out
Lot of people spend their time just floating
We were victims together but lonely
You got hungry eyes that just can't look forward
Can't give them enough but we just can't start over
Building with bent nails we're
falling but holding, I don't wanna take up anymore of your time
Time time time
Sometimes time doesn't heal
No not at all
Just stand still
While we fall
In or out of love again I doubt I'm gonna win you back
When you got eyes like that
It won't let me in
Always looking out
Always lookin
- Feb 21 Thu 2008 05:42
If I had Eyes
- Feb 17 Sun 2008 01:12

- Feb 16 Sat 2008 12:03
- Feb 14 Thu 2008 13:45

有人為愛沈醉 有人因愛心碎
有人為愛而愛 有人因為愛而不敢愛、不願再愛
愛讓人得到滋養 也讓人痛苦失望
愛使人生命豐碩 也使人偶而困惑
愛使人目眩神迷 也讓人黯然神傷
被愛有時是幸福 有時是包袱
愛人說難不難 說容易卻不簡單
蘇東坡說 無肉令人瘦 無竹令人俗
我道 無愛讓人生減了樂趣 少了光輝
愛的滋味 最是令人回味
若有愛 且珍惜
若無愛 莫失望
遇到對的人 別輕言別離
頻率沒有對上 也得尊重對方
希望有情人都能疼惜彼此 愛自己 也愛對方

《Perhaps Love》
by John Denver & Placido Domingo
Perhaps love is like a resting-place
A shelter from the storm
It exists to give you comfort
It is there to keep you warm
And in those times of trouble
When you are most alone
The memory of love will bring you home
Perhaps love is like a window
Perhaps an open door
It invites you to come closer
It wants to show you more
And even if you lose yourself
And don't know what to do
The memory of love will see you through
Oh, love to some is like a cloud
To some as strong as steel
For some a way of living
For some a way to feel
And some say love is holding on
And some say letting go
And some say love is everything
And some say they don't know
Perhaps love is like the ocean
Full of conflict, full of pain
Like a fire when it's cold outside
Or thunder when it rains
If I should live forever
And all my dreams come true
My memories of love will be of you
- Feb 14 Thu 2008 00:15
- Feb 08 Fri 2008 07:00
補遺:2007/08/20 - 2007/12/31 期間發表的文章列表與超連結

以下幾篇文章,是我在 2007/08/20-2007/12/31 其間於 PIXNET 痞客邦~ 雲淡風輕草碧綠 ~所發表的文章,將它們表列出來,並附上連結,歡迎格友們給予鼓勵、指教,或回應、交流!
2007.12.30 愛情轉移—在每一段故事的遞轉蛻變中學習愛與被愛
2007.12.29 耶誕夜前夕,信步走賞在紐約的街(第五大道)
2007.12.27 耶誕夜前夕,信步走賞在紐約的街(百貨公司篇之二+洛克斐勒廣場)
2007.12.25 耶誕夜前夕,信步走賞在紐約的街(百貨公司篇之一)
2007.12.24 祝大家 聖誕節快樂!
2007.12.20 Keyboard Drums
2007.12.18 Mulled Wine & Mulled Cider
2007.12.16 飛雪豈是無情,為大地披上銀白冬衣
2007.11.27 寒冬中的暖意
2007.11.11 Way Back Into Love
2007.10.30 被窩暖暖的,人兒遠遠的
2007.10.25 屬於這個季節的提醒—冬季憂鬱症
2007.10.20 灰色的天空,藍色的心情—淺談憂鬱症
2007.10.13 行到水窮處,坐看雲起時
2007.10.08 「如果你注意的話,沒有什麼事是小事」—我看《色‧戒》
2007.10.03 打氣!
2007.10.01 落花不是無情物,化作春泥更護花——讀《激情盡後溫情在》有感之二......(←已於2008/01/21轉刊於本網誌,點此)
2007.10.01 落花不是無情物,化作春泥更護花——讀《激情盡後溫情在》有感之一......(←已於2008/01/21轉刊於本網誌,點此)
2007.09.28 人生事,不是得到,就是學到
2007.09.26 占星、算命準不準?—談巴南效應(Barnum Effect,又作包南效應、巴納姆效應)
2007.09.23 秋天,是想念的季節
2007.09.20 現實生活中的怨偶,網路上的情人
2007.09.17 STO… OK GO …OTZ
2007.09.14 恨情歌與忘情歌
2007.09.12 寫網誌是為了自己,還是為了別人的期待?
2007.09.09 The Spirit of Taiwan 02-3:小草實在是並不小 (愛丁堡軍樂節BBC轉播片段—北一樂儀旗)
2007.09.09 Description of“Through the Valley” by Dawn Waters Bake (Dawn Waters Baker 畫作 「行過死蔭幽谷」的說明)
2007.09.09 世界自殺防治日大串連—一句話為生命打氣:「行經死蔭幽谷,是為了能更瞭解生命的意義;是低潮,不是絕路」
2007.09.07 「腦部活動」與「能量消耗」的小常識
2007.09.06 問世間情為何物—淺談「愛情的三角理論」
2007.09.04 食物戀
2007.09.03 九三軍人節
2007.09.02 blog=weB LOG,flog=?
2007.08.31 科技越進步,腦力越退化?
2007.08.29 Cherry Lover—Coffee, Tea, Him or Me?
2007.08.28 《分享》虛擬水族箱
2007.08.27 「多管閒事」不見得是件壞事
2007.08.26 I am Me
2007.08.25 《分享》王建民勝投計數器
2007.08.25 當愛在靠近/曖昧
2007.08.24 從「The Missing Piece」一書,談自我接納
2007.08.22 Learning New Things Everyday
2007.08.21 《分享》可愛的佈告欄—害羞黑白豬
2007.08.20 愛的智慧語錄001-無條件的愛 unconditional love
2007.08.20 The Spirit of Taiwan 02-3:小草實在是並不小(愛丁堡官方CD搶先試聽)
2007.08.20 《分享》Paul & Joe 的風格時鐘