Mulled Wine是加了香料並溫熱了的酒。據說,在遠古時代,因酒的保存不易,容易走味,所以人們便把酒加了香料和蜂蜜(或是糖)加熱,使酒容易入喉;另一說,則是那時候的人們多以此方式為劣質酒增添風味。演變至今,mulled wine似乎已經成為歐美人冬天(尤其在聖誕節前後)的傳統酒精飲料,喝了可以取暖。
Mulled Wine在德國叫Glühwein(glowing wine);在法國,被稱作vin chaud (hot wine);在義大利則為vin brulé (French for "burnt wine");北歐國家,以Glögg稱之。
因地域不同、習慣不同,被用來加入酒中的香料也隨之而異,但大抵上來說,不出「肉桂」、「丁香」和「肉豆蔻」這三樣,其他的,則有八角、杜松子、月桂葉、薑等等。在北歐國家,還會加入杏仁、葡萄乾。美國版的mulled wine,變化就更多了,有些人會在香料之外,另外加入新鮮的水果或果汁,比如:柳橙(或柳橙汁)、檸檬汁,也有些人加入蔓越莓乾或蔓越莓汁。
★ Mulled Wine (Recipe courtesy - Ina Garten)
4 cups apple cider
1 (750-ml) bottle red wine, such as Cabernet Sauvignon
1/4 cup honey
2 cinnamon sticks
1 orange, zested and juiced
4 whole cloves
3 star anise
4 oranges, peeled, for garnish
Combine the cider, wine, honey, cinnamon sticks, zest, juice, cloves and star anise in a large saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Pour into mugs, add an orange peel to each and serve.
★ Spiced Lemon Apple Cider (Recipe courtesy - Paula Deen)
1/2 gallon apple cider1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup orange juice
3 cinnamon sticks
1 tablespoon whole cloves
Combine all ingredients together in a large pot and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes. Serve warm.
★ Mulled Apple Cider with Ginger and Orange (Recipe courtesy - Ellie Krieger)
4 cups of apple cider
6 whole cloves
1 (3-inch) cinnamon stick, broken into pieces
1/2 orange, sliced
1-inch peeled, fresh ginger, cut into 6 slices
Combine the ingredients in a medium saucepan and simmer over a low flame for 20 minutes. Strain and serve.
6 whole cloves
1 (3-inch) cinnamon stick, broken into pieces
1/2 orange, sliced
1-inch peeled, fresh ginger, cut into 6 slices
Combine the ingredients in a medium saucepan and simmer over a low flame for 20 minutes. Strain and serve.