
對Mackenzie Thorpe的「童真與愛系列(我自取的)」有著無法言說的喜歡,有雙大腳、身披粗呢大衣的小朋友給我一種很特別的感覺:純真質樸,善感孤獨,對愛有著深切的渴求和盼望。有趣的是,這童真系列也瀰漫著疏離和沈重的氛圍,我想,我好像讀到了Mackenzie Thorpe想傳達的訊息……

進一步瞭解Mackenzie Thorpe,我才發現原來我會喜歡他的作品不是沒來由的,我們對於人生,有著類似的看法:「人生並不容易,有低潮、有艱難,甚至有時會因無止盡的陰霾令人挫折,但即便夢想再小、希望再渺茫,也值得我們去孵夢、去努力追求;愛與正直(誠實)終究能戰勝逆境」。(Mackenzie's perspective on life is clear.  He doesn’t hide the fact that often life is a struggle, a dark tunnel which can seem endless. However, he passionately believes that our frail dreams are worth nurturing and that love and honesty will triumph over adversity.)

他又說:「我最想作的,是想讓大家更瞭解孩童們的世界,藉此童真將我們團結起來,使整個社會受到鼓舞、得以永續長存。我們必須保護和呵護我們的孩子,並且也要用同樣的方式對待我們每個人心裡面的小孩。我們有責任愛護他們、讓他們將愛回饋給社會,同時,一直保有赤子之心和對世界萬物的好奇。(My ambition is to unite the world through the eyes of these children and let today’s cultures understand that in order to sustain our societies, we must protect and nurture our children, and also protect and nurture the child within us all.  It is our responsibility to love these children, to let them bring love back to the world, and to keep our eyes open to the wonderment of childhood.)」。

讀著這段文字,不禁想起幾年前,我有感而發寫下的一句話:「要能疼惜自己的內在小孩,才能放心自在地去愛人。(One can't love freely and trustingly without getting in touch with and nurturing his/her own inner child.)

Mackenzie Thorpe在英國米德爾斯堡(Middlesbrough)度過他的童年,在很小的時候,就展現出他對繪畫的熱情和執著,他常拿斷了半截的鉛筆在煙盒作畫,媽媽化妝包裡的眼影和口紅,也常被他偷拿去當作「畫筆」。Mackenzie Thorpe童年時期深受閱讀障礙(dyslexia)所苦,課業上遇到許多挫折,但他總在繪畫方面找到自信。成績不理想,讓他求學過程不順利,不過,他對繪畫的熱情和在這方面的天賦,終究讓他後來得以順利進入藝術學院,拿到文憑。

Mackenzie Thorpe認為:「藝術並非作品本身,作品帶給我們經驗、激發我們想法和情緒,或使我們產生新的觀點;藝術,是我們對作品的體驗。」他要我們「想像一下,將充滿愛與希望的作品安置在飽受戰亂折磨的城市,使人們被這些符號表徵所包圍,他們的內心將受到一些震撼和衝擊。我想用這樣的方式提醒人們,即使在最黑暗無助的時刻,愛仍存在。」(Imagine if theses works were placed in the center of a war-torn city surrounding people with a symbol of love and hope. The mindset would be totally interrupted. For people to be reminded that in our darkest moments love can exist, this I would like to see.

Mackenzie Thorpe不僅是愛與希望的信徒,他更將他的信仰化為一件件的作品,藉著藝術傳遞到我們的心中。

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Mackenzie Thorpe’s Art
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